A combination of Chinese herbal medicine and laparoscopy is the most effective way to treat endometrial ovarian cysts and increase reproductive function.
A study was carried out in Beijing to compare 3 different treatment methods for endometriosis. A group of 152 women with endometrial cysts, were divided into 3 groups: a combined Chinese herbal medicine and laparoscopy group (combination group), a Chinese herbal medicine only group, and a Danazol group. The clinical effectiveness, side effects and reproductive hormones were then compared. The shrinkage and disappearance rate of the cysts, as well as the pregnancy rate were highest in the combination group, and there were few side effects noted. The study concluded that way to treat endometrial ovarian cysts, increasing reproductive function a combination of laparoscopy and Chinese herbal medicine is an effective and causing very few side effects.
Wu Y Hua L (Clinical study on endometrial ovarian cysts treated by integrated laparoscopy and Chinese herbal medicine) Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi, 2000 March, 20 (3): 183-6.
Chinese herbal medicine is more effective than Danazol at treating endometriosis and infertility.
A study in Shanghai explored the treatment of endometriosis by tonifying the Kidney and removing Blood Stasis with a formula, called Neiyixiao. 103 patients were divided randomly into 2 groups, one to be treated by Neiyixiao, and the other by danazol. After treatment they were reviewed for improvement in clinical symptoms, plasma prostaglandin levels and serum levels of FSH, LH, prolactin, E2, P and T, cellular and humoral immunity. The difference between the effect on dysmenorrhea and elevated plasma prostaglandin was about the same in both groups. However, the Neiyixiao group was significantly more effective than Danazol in treating infertility and regulating hormones and immunity. The study concluded that Chinese herbal medicine is an effective method for the treatment of endometriosis and infertility.
Liu j, Li X, Hu X (Clinical observations of treatment of endometriosis by treating Kidney and removing blood stasis) Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi. 1998 Mar; 18 (30): 145-7.
Chinese herbal medicine can treat endometriosis and ovarian chocolate cysts, increasing uterine blood flow, alleviating period pain and enhancing fertility.
A study in Shanghai observed the clinical effectiveness of treating endometriosis with Chinese herbal medicine to promote the uterine arterial blood flow. The study group consisted of 53 women with dysmenorrhea, ovarian chocolate cysts and enlarged uterus. After 15 weeks treatment the uterine blood flow was obviously increased, and symptoms such as period pain disappeared. 22 ovarian chocolate cysts became smaller and 16 disappeared. The pregnancy rate was 45%.
Zhu WX, Cheng XA (Clinical study of the treatment of endometriosis with promoting blood circulation and statis removing method) Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi. 1993 Jan; 13 (1): 16-8, 4.
Chinese herbal medicine can modulate immunological disturbance associated with endometriosis and improve clinical symptoms
Another study in Shanghai tested the effectiveness of treatment of endometriosis with Chinese herbal medicine, using the priniciple of tonifying Qi, promoting blood circulation and purging stasis. 45 patients with endometriosis were divided randomly into a TCM group (30 cases, treated with Chinese herbal medicine), and the control group (15 cases treated with tamoxifen). As endometriosis is associated with immunological disturbance, the activity of natural killer cells in the peripheral blood supply, T lymphocyte subsets, secreting interleukin-II and the EmAb were monitored. After treatment, the activity of NK cells and the count of T-suppressor cells were significantly increased, the T-helper cells count, the secretion of interleukin-II and TH/TS ration were significantly reduced. Over 50% of the cases whose EmAb was positive eventually turned to negative. The effective rate of this therapy was 90%. There was significant difference between the Chinese medicine group and the control group. The study concluded that Chinese herbal medicine could modulate the immunological disturbance in women with endometriosis, and could clearly improve clinical symptoms and signs.
Li J, Zheng J, Wang D (Clinical observation on treatment of endometriosis by tonifying Qi and promoting blood circulation to remove stasis and purgation principle) Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi 1999 Sep; 19 (9): 533-5.