Erika Pimentel Mendoza
Pregnancy Massage Therapist
East Dulwich
Erika is a holistic therapist with over 17 years of experience in Mexico, the USA and the UK.
Today she lives in London, where she practises pregnancy massage, as well as various other types of massage and craniosacral therapy. She is also currently studying for a degree in Five Element Acupuncture.
Born in Mexico, from an early age Erika had a passion for natural therapies. When both her mother and her partner suffered from paralysis, she saw up close how her partner, who received only conventional medicine, struggled with slow recovery and frequent setbacks, whilst complementary therapies, in combination with conventional medicine, helped her mother to an accelerated and permanent recovery.
Subsequently, her own experience of a breakdown due to overwork and stress, convinced her to dedicate her life to her passion for therapeutic healing. Erika's studies in alternative therapies reinforced what her life experiences had already shown her – the power of mind, body and spirit as a single whole.
Erika has a special interest in women’s health, and has been supporting women through their pregnancy with pre-natal massage since she qualified in 2012. She has very sensitive hands and a natural, instinctive intuition, which enables her to tune into the individual needs of her patients and to tailor the treatment accordingly.
Erika may encourage her patients to use breathing techniques during the massage to promote a profound state of relaxation. This helps to bring the patient’s mind back into her body, which helps her bond and connect with her growing baby.
Pregnancy massage has been demonstrated to lower stress hormones, which can benefit both mother and baby.
Some women experience muscular aches and pains during pregnancy due to the increased weight of the foetus. Using gentle massage techniques, Erika is able to relax the muscles, release tension, ease pain and improve the posture. She may also be able to alleviate sciatic or pelvic pain.
By relaxing the muscles in the pelvis, Erika can also help the body prepare for labour, especially first-time mums.
90 min massage: £80
60 min massage: £65
45 min massage: £55​
To book a consultation with Erika,
please call us on 07957641946
or email us on