Xenoestrogens can be found in a variety of everyday items, including plastics, cosmetics, pesticides, household products, food additives and building materials. Xenoestrogens, belong to a group of chemicals known as endocrine disruptors which mimic and block or bind hormone receptors, disrupting the natural balance of hormones. This has a particular effect on hormone-sensitive organs, such as the uterus and breasts, as well as the immune and neurological systems and human development.
Xenoestrogens are a subcategory of endocrine disruptors, which have oestrogen-like effects. Oestrogen plays an important role in bone development, blood-clotting, and male and female reproduction.
If Xenoestrogens enter the body, they increase the total amount of oestrogen, resulting in oestrogen dominance. Xenoestrogens are non-biodegradable and are stored in fat cells. A build-up of Xenoestrogens in the body can contribute to a range of conditions, including endometriosis, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, infertility, miscarriages, obesity, diabetes and breast cancer.
In order to improve your reproductive health, it is important to minimise your exposure to
Xenoestrogens. The things you need to watch are: –
👉 Try to avoid pesticides on food by eating organic products.
👉 If a fruit or vegetable is not organic, peel it before eating it.
👉 Always make sure you buy organic meat and dairy products that are free of pesticides and hormones.
👉 Try and reduce the use of plastics wherever possible.
👉 Avoid plastic clingfilm.
👉 Avoid plastic containers and use glass or ceramic where possible.
👉 Never leave a plastic water bottle in the sun or refill plastic water bottles.
👉 Avoid freezing water in plastic bottles.
👉 Buy water in glass bottles.
Household products
👉 Use chemical-free, biodegradable, household cleaning products.
👉 Use a chlorine filter on showerhead and filter drinking water.
👉 Buy chlorine-free and unbleached products (toilet paper, paper towels, tampons, sanitary towels, etc.
👉 Minimise exposure to nail polish and nail polish remover.
👉 Avoid cosmetics and creams that have toxic and oestrogenic chemicals such as parabens and stearalconium chloride.
👉 Use fragrances with natural ingredients such as essential oils.
👉 Buy chemical free soaps and toothpaste.
Following these basic principles, you can substantially reduce your exposure to Xenoestrogens and allow your hormones to find their natural balance. Your reproductive health should improve and your chances of conception and a healthy pregnancy should significantly increase.
To book a consultation and find out more about how to boost your fertility naturally, you can contact Conceive Clinic on 07957 641946 or email us on info@conceive.org.uk.
